It takes a little more work than a Dimethicone, fragrance, red #17 laden conditioner, but it is totally worth the effort! Our hair mask can be warmed and used like a hot oil treatment; it can be worked through dry hair before you shower or worked through wet hair. The application is not your traditional deep conditioner, and that’s ok, because it’s worth it! The contact of our Arnica Hair Mask with your hair and scalp will have lasting benefits. Light amounts on the fingertips also make a great leave in treatment. Be delicate, there is a thin line between conditioned and oily. Many other products are putting a wax like coating around your hair follicle that is providing no benefit and, in many cases, will damage your hair over time. We should also think about what we are washing away into our water table. (The washing away is important, those other products have Dimethicone, petroleum, synthetic dyes and it’s all washing into our water table times millions of people every day.)
For those in a hurry, here’s the summary:
Arnica oil is extracted from the beautiful, yellow-colored flowers of the perennial herb Arnica Montana. Arnica offers many different benefits to the hair making it a great choice as your go-to solution to treat any sort of hair problem. Because our Arnica Hair Mask is loaded with nutrients it will keep your hair strong, healthy, and problem-free.
Arnica removes excess oil, dirt, sebum, and debris away from the scalp. It helps in the maintenance of texture and natural health. Arnica possesses anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties making it excellent at keeping problems such as infections, itchy scalp, dandruff at bay. It also works to promote a clean, clear, and healthy scalp. In a nutshell these are the reasons your hair will be healthier, will look healthier and the affects will last. And yes, you are washing all natural ingredients down your drain.
For those who have a minute, the details:
Arnica and Dandruff
Arnica is one of the most popular holistic treatments for the treatment of dandruff. Dandruff is caused by scalp irritation, dry skin, and fungal infections. To combat these issues, Arnica has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Research has shown that arnica can reduce inflammation, while at the same time clearing away built-up oils and killing bacteria on the scalp, making it a great solution for those suffering from Dandruff. Research has also shown that arnica can lower pain caused by inflammation and decrease the healing time for inflamed skin making it a great application to treatment problems such as itching and inflammation. Arnica’s ability to remove excess oil, dirt and sebum from the scalp makes it a great tool to prevent the accumulation of dandruff and its causes.
Arnica and Split Ends
Arnica has proven abilities to provide strength by infusing hair with healthy proteins making it an excellent tool for the hair entirely from the root to the tips. By lightly massaging hair strands with our Arnica Mask, you are introducing healthy and beneficial proteins in them, which reduces the appearance and count of split ends. If your hair strands are coated in proteins and nutrients that feed each strand you are on your way to curing your split end problem.
Arnica and Premature Greying
Gray hair is the pigment-less version of regular hair. This typically happens when the hair shaft loses its natural pigment or ‘melanin’. Gray hair also has a different texture and feel. It can be thinner, coarser rough and less manageable. This pigment change can be caused by several different environmental or genetic factors. Arnica increases the circulation of blood throughout the scalp which prevents the premature graying.
Arnica and Hair loss
As we age the roots of our hair can become weaker based on what we put in and on it. Excess dirt, oil, and sebum also cause the roots or base of our hair follicles to become clogged which leads to thinning hair. Arnica reduces excess dirt, oil and sebum while also possess amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. In addition, you are providing nourishment to the scalp which stimulates new, healthy hair growth. Keeping the scalp healthy is the simplest thing anyone can do to prevent hair loss.
If your scalp is healthy, your hair will be beautiful, strong, and healthy. Arnica provides the nourishment needed to keep hair beautiful, soft, thick, and frizz free.