Think of using a toner as an important way to rebalance your skin after washing. Toner cleanses impurities left behind after cleansing, balances your skin’s pH, unclogs pores, and prepares your face for serums or moisturizer.

After washing with warm water and a soft washcloth. Twice daily, morning and night.
If you notice increased dryness after adding toner to your skin regime, use toner at night only. Using a toner with natural ingredients will lessen the chances of the toner having a drying affect.
Gently massage the cleanser into your skin to remove makeup, dirt, and impurities. Rinse well with warm water, then splash cold water on your face. Blot your face dry with a clean towel. Spray toner onto a cotton pad and wipe from the center of the face outward, avoiding the lips and eye area. Don’t forget the neck and decolletage.
Applying serums and moisturizers after toner allows them to sink more deeply into the skin.
Toner is not only for women; men also benefit from using toner daily after washing, and after shaving.